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Image by Erda Estremera

The Bereavement Journey

A Place To Talk

7 Sessions Starting Sunday, February 9, 2025
from 7-9 PM EST on Zoom
Image by David Alvarez

Grief is hard.

You are invited to join us for 7 sessions as we go through The Bereavement Journey!

Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) board from Canada Central District (CCD) is proud to be offering this amazing resource developed in the UK.

Spaces are very limited



Death can impact all of life.

"Speaking out loud with others is an important way to deal with grief."  Joy

7 Sessions of films and discussion

for anyone bereaved anytime


 Pastor Charmaine Kofler, Ruth Copeland-Holtz and Cindy Stavropoulos are your hosts.


Starting Sunday, February 9, 2025 
on Zoom from 7-9 pm EST


FREE (made possible by the Canada Central District NDI)


Participants receive downloadable digital guest manual.


For guests, this is a "place where individuals with similar experiences can share. It's a way of connecting and not feeling alone." Annesia


If you are wondering why you should take this course. It's "because it gives you the opportunity to ask yourself questions that you would never think to ask and explore where that would take you on your healing journey." Darlene


For church leaders, finally a resource to help those who are grieving in your church and community. Our vision is that you can use this course in your community to support those who are grieving. Go through the journey, and then you can sign up for future trainings and learn more about hosting your own TBJ for your church and community. 


Rustic Beach Path


Looking at Loss   

Attachment and separation

Our personal history of loss


The Pain of Grief: How we can Respond

The initial impact

The range of responses


The Pain of Grief: Reactions of Others

People we meet

Our family


Obstacles to the Grief Journey

Guilt and anger

Grief on hold


Coping with Change

Changed identity

Funerals, memorials and anniversaries


Moving Forward 

Signs of recovery

Finding the 'new normal'


Faith Questions (optional)

Is there a caring God?

What happens after death?

What Participants Have Said



Why I think you should take this course...


"The shared experiences of the Group; articulating loss and experiencing closure in grieving; the training sessions were terrific." Geoff  


"Telling my story and realizing that what I was feeling was normal."​



"It was definitely helpful to speak about my personal bereavement journey with others who could also share theirs as they were going through some of the same things I had been though."  


Image by zelle duda


For your church to use


PPT Slide,  Social Media Graphic, Video


Learn more about the Bereavement Journey

Image by Ann
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