Children's Ministry
Our mission is to carry out the Great Commission to children ​and their families, and to train, encourage, and equip Christian leaders who minister to children on our district.
We seek to fulfill our mission by being obedient to the direction of the Holy Spirit and through:
Spiritual Growth
We will seek to equip local churches to partner with families to ensure the spiritual development of families as a whole. We will also promote and encourage spiritual growth in the individual lives of children’s ministry workers and leaders so that they may better know, love and serve God.
Quality Training & Resourcing
We are committed to providing quality training and resources to leaders and workers in children’s ministry so that they are equipped to evangelize and disciple children in their church and community.
We will work to facilitate the networking of children’s ministry workers and leaders, organizations and churches, so that they are better equipped to provide more effective ministry to children.
We are committed to staying connected with our district churches. We will communicate through quarterly newsletters, our district children’s ministry website, e-mail, and social media. We foster a relationship of trust and open communication between our committee and our district churches.